Albums and Rhythm Sticks

Tiny Sparks    Bright Sparks    More Sparks    Flying Sparks 

Child friendly ukulele songs with instruction videos for the beginner and improver 

A traditional Russian folktale told in song and dance

To listen to all the tracks and buy downloads that include pdfs of the booklets and  printable visual aids to help children choose their favourites click HERE

Email for these three things below:

Physical Sparks CD/booklets  

Story Songs CD/ROM with Pie Corbett (£15.00)

Sets of Rhythm Sticks – £75.00 plus £12.00 postage

Each set has 34 pairs of sticks of ideal size and weight for small hands all packed in a sturdy box. 

Included is an album  download with my ten favourite songs to sing with them and a booklet with tips and ideas 

It is possible to have smaller numbers of rhythm sticks – email 


To hear Steves music for grownups click HERE

The Man in the Shed
Playing with Fire
Island of Dreams

                                        Songs From the Shed